MegaPro Gets Listed on the Taiwan Emerging Market Board on October 19

由富邦證券輔導的巨生生醫(6827)於今(19)日登錄興櫃買賣,巨生生醫是以奈米微粒及奈米微胞核心技術,專注開發利基奈米藥物的新藥生力軍,成立於2014年,是由工研院奈米國家計劃衍生的奈米藥物開發平台新創公司,董事長蔣為峰過去曾投資生華科、台康生技等,對生技新藥產業相當熟稔,總經理王先知曾擔任工研院材化所副所長及奈米國家型計劃奈米生醫領域召集人,巨生生醫公司法人董事包括漢通創投(國發基金)、中國化學製藥及允成投資(中橡集團)等,另主要法人股東如工研院創新工業技術、和鼎及兆豐銀行等等。 Source (Chinese):

MegaPro Biomedical was awarded the Start-up Award in the 13th National Innovation Award

May 27, 2019 The outstanding core technology of niche nanomedicine, iron oxide nanoparticles developed by “MegaPro Biomedical”, a biotechnology start-up by ITRI, as well as the future nano-micelle drug carrier received the Start-up Award in the 13th National Innovation Award. After its spin-off from ITRI in 2015, the team in MegaPro Biomedical has been actively […]

MegaPro, Outstanding performance from MegaPro Biomedical, the contrast agent has received approval by FDA for Phase II of clinical trial

The MPB-1523 MRI contrast agent developed by “MegaPro Biomedical”, a start-up from ITRI, showed rapid progress. Despite having established for only 3 years, MegaPro Biomedical obtained the approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to conduct Phase II of the clinical trial for its contrast agent. The contrast agent has passed the Investigational […]